Find that connection between your mind and your heart.
The connection that changes everything.

Do you find life challenging? Do you live in fear of what others think about you, are you anxious about aspects of your work, or relationships? Do you find you tend to be a people pleaser and struggle to hold your own boundaries? Have you found yourself hiding who you really are out of some kind of misplaced sense of not being enough.

Would you like to inhabit a natural confidence and feel good about life? If so it’s time for change and I know how to help you help yourself.

I KNOW that you have everything you need inside of you, to be everything you want to be. I can help you to see this. So you CAN be the change you want to see in this world’.

Together we will peel the layers of habitual and repetitive thinking away to reveal who you really are. You will be amazed at what lies below.

life coach, love,

One to One Coaching

iheart - Innate Health Education and Resilience Training
(9-18 years)

Life Coach

Does your child struggle at school, or with relationships do you think that they are experiencing anxiety, fear, lack of motivation, bullying peer pressure or any of a host of other experiences young people can face? Would you like to see their confidence, motivation wellbeing, or mental health improve? iheart can help.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if your kids could see that they have everything that they need to navigate life; resilience, a sense of security, love, hope, peace of mind and joy and all of it is inside them already’

iheart is an instruction manual for life and it can be taught to whole classrooms, on a 1-2-1 basis, or in small groups. if you child is anxious, unsure, experiencing bullying, or cyberbullying, are they finding it difficult to negotiate school, friendships or even family life. If they have lost their confidence and sense of fun due to COVID and the lockdowns, iheart can help them to get back on their feet and to learn to face life with a new sense of confidence.

’What has been most interesting is how significantly more relaxed Indee is about the day to day issues she faces with the more ‘challenging’ people she has at school. She has a couple of kids who could regularly induce tears when she came home, something that could stress out the whole house. After iheart she benefits from a much more mature attitude, confidently dismissing their behaviour in a way that we had tried to convey to her before.

Both myself and Indee highly recommend iheart!”

— Gemma C.

Let’s have a conversation to see if I can help you, your child, or your school.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.