I can help your kids to uncover their innate resilience and wellbeing.


How I can help your kids, you and your family!

iheart can help your Child to deal with fear, anxiety, relationships, motivation, bullies and bullying at school. It acts as an instruction manual for the mind that enables young people to see when they are off track and helps them make better decisions. This will lead them to improved levels of confidence, wellbeing and mental health and as a result improved life opportunities.

iheart resilience tutoring is targeted at 9 - 18-year-olds and it’s learning made fun.

All our work with the iheart resilience training, is asking kids the question

'What if resilience is something you are born with, not something you find or build? '

And when they start to see that this is the case, this changes something fundamental inside them.

I know that they have everything they need to do well in life, whatever that means to them.

I know that they can deal with all life throws at them, that they are a lot stronger than they think they are and I help them to see this.

And we laugh a lot.


We will explore many of the key issues young people face including:


Either on a:

- 1-2-1 basis,

- parent and child for younger kids,

- or as a small group maximum 5 young people

-in schools

- iheart is a 10-week programme of sessions of approximately 1 hour each


- Online anywhere in the world - or in person.


- £500 per child on a one to one basis

- £200 per child in a group

-for schools costs call me

I'm limited to the number of kids I can take through this so contact me soon.

iheart's Mission is to help young people uncover their innate resilience and mental wellbeing.

Want to find out more about my other services?