
Interested in learning more about how we have the tools to create our own happiness and peace of mind within us? Take a look at my blog below!

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Hazel McLaren Hazel McLaren

'Live not by lies….

Thought is not reality; yet it is through Thought that our realities are created." Sydney Banks

What role does thought have in creating reality? 

 Everything in our experience in this world is created through thought. Whether it be our reaction to the people around us, to a sport we love - or hate, to political ideas and ideologies, the environment, to war and peace. We cannot have feelings without thought or visa versa, we cannot hold beliefs and endorse Ideologies without the use of thought. We cannot take action without the use of thought.

Thought creates feeling, they are two sides of the same coin, when you are feeling you are feeling your own thinking, even when you are not even aware of thinking in the first place. Your thinking may not accurately reflect the situation you are in, therefore your feelings may be off track.

Hold this in mind: 
- all ideologies, political beliefs and ideas come from thought 
- all reactions to these ideologies, political beliefs and actions come from thought
- all those feelings of fear, anxiety, anger, powerlessness are feelings that we experience as a result of thought
- all of these thoughts can have consequences for the thinker and the world around them
- our reaction to the world around is, no matter how bad things seem, is an inside job

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Hazel McLaren Hazel McLaren

Bullying at school. How do you help your child?

Are children being bullied at your child's school, or cyberbullied at home? Are you concerned about this behaviour and you child’s resilience in the face of it, is your child one of the ones being bullied? Have you contacted the school, again and again but nothing ever seems to get done to resolve the situation?

What is the quickest route to sort out the impacts bullying may be having on your child?

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Create your own happiness

We all have the tools inside us to create our own happiness, reduce stress and not let situations outwith our control, control us .

If you want to start your very own journey to peace of mind then contact me below, and we can make a plan together.